Organisational Performance Analysis Model (OPAM)

From Training to Performance

Levels of Performance

Each organisation, regardless of its size, type of product or service, belonging to

the public or private sector, strives to be effective.

The research related to organisational effectiveness identifies three levels:

  • Individual performance (performance appraisal),
  • Process performance
  • Organisations’ performance

Organisational and individual-level performance indicators, are linked, but measured in different dimensions.

Performance measurement is spread across various management disciplines: Strategic management, Quality management, Process improvement, and Performance appraisal as a part of Human resources management.

Humans are involved in every part of every business. Every business was created by humans, is run by humans, and is intended to provide value to its human customers, stakeholders or members. And with humans come problems, conflicts and mistakes.

The most successful organisations continually search for practical solutions to these issues and improve the productivity and competence of their employees and the systems they use. Human Performance Technology (HPT) is a complex network of interventions designed specifically for each problem.

HPT is the newest technology being utilised to meet the needs of many types of organisations, including governmental agencies, corporate and private enterprises, and the military.

Primary Causes for Low Performance

Sources of Performance Deficiency

Results indicate that of 165 potential interventions, only 21 were actual training solutions, i.e.:

  • 13% Training solutions
  • 87% Non-Training solutions
  • Non-training interventions address:
    1. Manpower
    2. Systems
    3. Processes

In 2003, as a result of an executive review of Navy Training, the U.S. Navy officially stood up its Human Performance Center (HPC), headquartered in Norfolk, VA, to address and resolve all types of human performance problems, not just those believed to be caused by insufficient or ineffective training.

Source: FY04 Pilot Analysis, ProofPoint 2004


OPAM’s HPT Model

OPAM’s HPT Model

Performance means those valued results produced by people working within a system.

Performance = Activity + Results

Human performance technology is the study and ethical practice of improving productivity in organisations by designing and developing effective interventions that are results-oriented, comprehensive, and systemic

  • HPT is the newest technology being utilised to meet the needs of many types of organisations, including governmental agencies, corporate and private enterprises, and the military.
  • The trend towards HPT continues to grow at an astonishing rate.
  • HPT is a crucial and strategic necessity.
  • OPAM combines an advanced proprietary human performance technology (HPT) model and the best assessment methodology to produce the most objective and accurate results.

OPAM approach is based on:

  • Human Performance Technology (HPT) and
  • Participatory Assessment Method (PAM)

OPAM Assessment Process


OPAM Sample Results


OPAM Implementation Process

  1. Obtain senior management commitment
  2. Establish a Steering Committee
  3. Perform a self-assessment
  4. Develop an improvement plan
  5. Communicate and empower stakeholders
  6. Implement the strategy and plan
  7. Evaluate and improve human performance
  8. Maintain excellent human performance
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