Training Needs Assessment System (TNAS)
Powerful TNA system to maximise the return on investment (ROI) of your training programme
How to set up an effective training programme!
Accurate identification of whom needs training and what training is needed
How important it is to invest in training your work force?
Your company’s human capital is one of its most valuable assets.
- How well qualified are your employees?
- What kind of training do they need?
- What training and development are required to face current and future challenges?
- How to maximise the return on investment (ROI) of your training programme?
- How to make sure that the training budget is not wasted!
Formal competency-based training programs are rarely implemented in the real world because the process required is both tedious and time-consuming.
The TNAS model is developed for effective training needs assessment. It is an efficient and easy way to assist HR professionals in the needed assessment.
One Click Solution
Our Training Needs Assessment system (TNAS) helps you identify what training you will need. The system produces a training needs chart that reflects the training programmes that you need and how much you need them.
For Trainers
HR managers
Training Managers
Training Providers
Business Companies
Government Departments
Originality and Value
The TNAS result provides the basis for understanding training and competence development needs.
It indicates if there is a major competence gap that should be addressed immediately, or that the manager has demonstrated competence, but further development is required, or that the manager have demonstrated adequate competence.
Flexibility and Scalability
The TNAS system can be used by individuals or groups with or without your superior assessment.
The system can also be customised as you can define your own required skills or training areas as the basis for the assessment.
Criteria to Suit your Needs
Scoring criteria can be changed to reflect the specific requirements of the organisation.
Competence Development Needs
TNAS can be used in three levels of training needs assessment:
- Organisational assessment.
- Occupational assessment
- Individual assessment.
TNAS Model
TNAS model is based on two dimensions:
- “Importance” of the skill, knowledge or training area, and
- “Performance” of the required skills and knowledge.
TNAS calculates the score from the input of these two dimensions. The results are based on predefined criteria. The user can change the criteria according to his/her organisation or department strategy.
The Rating Scales
The first dimension is the “Importance” of the skill, knowledge or the training area. TNAS defines Three Importance levels:
A. Very important to my current job, or
B. of some importance, or
C. of little or no importance
The Second dimension is the “Performance Level” of the skill, knowledge or the training area. TNAS defines five levels as follows:
- Outstanding – employee consistently completes task or performs function at a very high level with little or no assistance
- Very Good – employee consistently complete task or perform functions in an above average manner with little or no assistance
- Satisfactory – employee can complete task or perform function in a satisfactory manner with little or no assistance
- Need Improvement – employee can complete task or perform function with considerable assistance
- Needs Significant Improvement – employee is unable to complete task or perform function in a satisfactory manner even with assistance

TNAS Scoring and Results
Three Types of Assessments
The TNAS system can be used in support of individuals or training managers who are looking to ensure training budgets are spent on appropriate training programmes. Three types of assessments can be performed:
- Self Assessment
- Superior Assessment
- Self Assessment and Superior Assessment
The assessment can be supervised or unsupervised.
Scoring and Results
Skills assessment results are mapped to training courses to provide a comprehensive overview of skills profile and training needs. Scores are presented with colour codes and charts for easy identification of training needs: The predefined colour coded criteria are as follows:
Informative Reports
Once the rater finishes his / her rating he / she can generate the TNAS report by one click. Results include recommended training, the degree of need in percentage and charts.
Report is generated as pdf.